Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday {Thrift Store Edition}

So, it's that time of the week again for "What I Wore" and just one outfit to show today.

Thanks for your encouraging comments on my last post! Despite what some of you were hinting at, NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!! It is now official. If I were pregnant, at least I'd have a good excuse for being tired, right? It is totally my own fault for taking on too many things and setting my expectations way too high.

Story of my life.

Anyway, here we go...

Dress: Goodwill (Target)
Scarf: from our trip to Paris years ago (sighhhh)
Belt: Goodwill
Boots: Goodwill


  1. Stopping by from WIWW!
    This is such an adorable outfit. I can't believe you got it ALL thrifting. I think I'm an awful thrifter or something, because I NEVER find anything cute! Love your look!

  2. Aimee! You are so adorable! And I love your style and outfits! I cant wait to spend more time with you & totally know what it feels like to take on waaay to much and this time of year tops it off! There is so much to celebrate and HE is the reason for this Season! Love you!! xoxo

  3. #1 I want your Goodwill. Ours is AWFUL and so disorganized.

    #2 Always love your posts.

  4. beautiful! Don't you just love Goodwill?

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  5. the black and white and red is beautiful what great goodwill finds. I'd love you to link this up to my what we wore party over at

  6. Love this outfit! Those boots are amazing! I keep checking our Goodwill for boots, but nothing yet...


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee