Monday, June 25, 2012

Around the House

Happy Monday friends!

I had my camera out yesterday and decided to snap {LOTS} of pictures from around the house ~ some of my favorite little spaces.

Most everything from our 1920 house is 1. old  2. second hand (just like my wardrobe) and 3. well-loved by the children and adults of the house (which means it's probably been broken at one time or other).

Not perfect. Not expensive. But pretty and functional. Just the way I like it.

the entry

love my growing collection of old blue/green jars

on the mantel

white pitchers from goodwill ~ who gets rid of lovelies like this??

garden sculpture as bookend ~ it used to be green & i spraypainted it white

photo collage behind the couch

wood letters stuck to the wall with velcro and flowers made from napkins

a very girly space {that i happen to love hanging out in}

my peaceful blue bedroom

little stool that i recently scored at a barn sale

upstairs hallway ~ looking into the nursery

second hand frames & mirrors that i painted white ~ easy wall art

our stair way

by the front door

kitchen shelves filled with pretty white things
book wreath hanging inside the front door

So there you have it ~ a little peek around my house these warm summer days.

Have a great week!


  1. How do you keep your house so perfect with little people running around and all those lovely glass things? Call me envious. It's all beautiful!

  2. Your house is beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE the nursery door! Who woulda thunk it! lol.

    Aimee I absolutely love your blog! I've mentioned it on my new blog adn once I have more followers, I'll mention it again as my "favorite blog"!! You inspired me to start painting signs as well as my furniture pieces. Between you and Fab Rehab, I've been totally inspired! I'll post my latest sign soon. It was a birthday/Father's Day present to my dad! He AND his wife LOVED it! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so happy that I inspired you to start painting! :) I would LOVE to see the latest sign you made! FUN!!

  4. I am loving your blog!!! Adorable house too; I love your taste.
    I'm your newest follower :)


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee