Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday {Thrift Store Edition}

Is it really Wednesday already?? Time is just zipping by and, I'm afraid, summer will be over before we know what hit us! Isn't that always how it is?

Here is some of what I wore last week...linking up to the Pleated Poppy.

Dress/tunic: yard sale (Banana Republic)
Jeans: Loft Outlet
Shoes: Clarks Outlet
Necklace: made by me

Dress: Target (on clearance last year)
Gray cardi: Marshall's
Shoes: Goodwill
Belt: Forever 21
Flower pin: made by me

Dress: Plato's Closet consignment
(the dress was a little too short for me, so I added some lace trim to the bottom)
Shoes: Goodwill (NY&Co.)


  1. Love the striped dress! So cute! Is that the Converse brand? I love getting that brand on clearance!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. I love that you were able to add length to the floral dress! I never would have thought of that, but then wouldn't know how to either. ;)

  3. Love the cardigan and strip top....My friend and I want to go to some thrift shops to do the same kind of post. Great minds think alike. ;)

  4. i love the first outfit! so cute, so is your necklace! and the last dress is so nice too. i'm looking for a good dress for an outdoor summer wedding---it's so hard!!

  5. Love the necklace in the first look!! Beautiful.


  6. These are all such fabulous summery outfits! And I love that you made all of your accessories. Love that Gap dress; it would be super cute in the fall with some leggings and boots as well!

  7. I completely remember seeing that striped dress at Target and I skipped it because I didn't think I could rock it--all I needed was a belt! Darn it rock that dress girls!

  8. Love all these outfits! That floral dress is super fun!


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments! ~Aimee