Don't you just love a good giveaway?? Well, I have one for you today!
Carrie from Ellie Oh's is offering a free crocheted baby/child hat for a lucky reader! Carrie is a stay-at-home mom from Reading, Pa and she creates the most adorable hats for sale on her Etsy shop. She has some super-cute spring styles right now!
Here is my munchable little Violet with one of Carrie's hats. Seriously, is she not just so edible? I can hardly stand it.
The hat is called "Breezy Beanie" in ivory with a detachable raspberry flower. So stinking cute, right??
And here are Avery & Jack with hats of their own. Can I just tell you how difficult it is to photograph a two and four year old?? Sitting still is just plain impossible!
Avery has a "Breezy Cloche" hat that matches Violet's, and Jack is wearing a "Newsboy" cap in slate gray.
And here are some photos from Ellie Oh's Etsy shop...

Ok, so here is how you can win one of your own! If you don't have any children at home right now, they make awesome gifts!
To enter, visit Ellie Oh's Etsy shop and leave a comment here telling us which style you would like to win.
For an additional chance to win, write about this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter and come back here and leave another comment.
For a third chance to win, "like" Ellie Oh's on Facebook and come back here and leave another comment.
Giveaway ends on Friday, March 11, and the winner will be chosen randomly.
Carrie is generously offering 20% off to my readers by entering "AIMEE" in the coupon code section at check-out.
Good luck!
I have wanted to buy my 1 yr old one of these for a while. I would love the breezy cloche in white with a buttercup flower in size 1-3. Deann
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm back again I liked EllieOh's on Facebook. Love the hats!
ReplyDeleteI just wrote about this fabulous giveaway on Facebook! -Deann
ReplyDeleteLove the beanie...or the cloches...or the newsboy. Darn they are all cute!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win the Breezy Beanie! My little girl is about the same age as your Violet and I think she soo needs that same hat:)
ReplyDeletei`d love to own the grey little girl`s beanie with the white flower on the side! so darling!!
ReplyDeletei also liked her on FB!
ReplyDeletelove the breazy beanie.....my girls would look so cute in those:) been dreaming of owning hats like these for a while now.
ReplyDeleteliked on fb.
ReplyDeletelinked on fb.
ReplyDeleteI would like either the newsboy or the bear hat!
ReplyDeleteI linked on facebook!
ReplyDeleteSo adorable! I'd LOVE to win the Newsboys cap in a newborn size : )
ReplyDeleteI also "liked" ellieoh's on facebook!
ReplyDeleteSo many great choices! If I'm feeling a little selfish I might get an adult newsboy or slouchy for myself! If I'm feeling generous, I might get on of the cute girlie baby hats for my friend who just had a cute little baby girl!
ReplyDeleteSo much cuteness! I love the Gingerbread Girl newsboy hat. The headbands are adorable, too! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI liked EllieOh's on Facebook!
ReplyDeletelove the Cute as a Button Newsboy Cap...it's just adorable!
ReplyDeletelinked on FB
ReplyDeletethe spring cloches are beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteI would pick the newsboy cap. Would love to have one for my almost 3 year son.
They are all so cute, but the spring cloche is my favorite!
ReplyDeletei liked on facebook.
ReplyDeleteI shared on facebook.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the chocolate covered cherry <3
ReplyDeleteThese hats are adorable!! i have 3 boys who would LOVE the newsboys hat ;o)
ReplyDeletetotally irresistible! Hard to say which one I like best, but I think it would be the little "cute as a button newsboy". I can just picture that one on my little Cedrych who is 7 months old! Almost the same age as your little Violet. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI linked on my facebook.
ReplyDeletei liked on EllieOh's facebook!
ReplyDeleteI love the spring cloche and the newsboy cap!
ReplyDeleteI love the Spring Cloche in red! Would totally match baby girl's spring coat!
ReplyDeleteI 'Like" Ellie Oh's on FB
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have the newsboy cap! So cute, and I love when there are options for little boys, too. :)
ReplyDeleteWow! These are beautiful! I am really having a hard time choosing a favorite! I think I'd probably go with the Cute as a Button Newsboy cap. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! These hats are adorable!!! I would love to win the gingerbread girl newsboy hat!
ReplyDeleteI just made a comment on facebook about these super cute hats!!!
ReplyDeleteI just "liked" Ellie Oh's on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteYour girls look oh so cute in their little hats and Jack, well he is just stylin' his!
ReplyDeleteI really like them all. I would pick the breezy cloche in hot pink with a white flower. You have adorable kiddos.
ReplyDelete(contact info. latteluv@msn.com)
I liked Ellie Ohs on fb! I hope i win.
ReplyDeleteLove...love...love the cute hats. Not sure which one I would pick, depends what the ultrasound tells me I am having in a couple weeks. Really love the newsboy hat for the boy and the breezy beanie for a little girl. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI "facebooked" about the lovely giveaway!!!
ReplyDelete....and I "liked" Ellie Oh's Facebook Page!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteok girl. so i would love.love.love a textured beenie with flower...hat to be gray, and flower, three shades of pink, as pictured on her site, with a detachable flower, in size 0-6 months, because my 4th baby girl...due in july...5th child needs something precious all her own to wear. love the run on. sorry about that. love your inspiring blog! ~missy.
ReplyDeleteWould love to have a Newsboy hat for my son! They are all so adorable!
ReplyDeleteShared on FB!
ReplyDelete"Liked" EllieOh's on FB!
ReplyDeleteThanks for an awesome giveaway. I'll be a grandmother soon to a baby girl and this will make a fun gift! I like the gingerbread girl newsboy hat. Thanks!
I love the little blue one with the white flower. But they are all so cute. I wouldn't be disappointed with any of them!
ReplyDeletei love these! my favorite is the breezy cloche ones!
ReplyDeletei posted a link to your page on fb!
ReplyDeletei just liked ellie oh's!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the breazy beanie with the grey and the white flower!!! They are all adorable, but I think I like that one the best. And I would most likely want a newborn size because if friends haviing babies :)
ReplyDeleteI just commented on facebook about this giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteA breezy beanie would look lovely on my daughter. She's 8 and has been asking for a hat with a flower and this one is so cute!!
ReplyDeleteI am so into flowers and stuff like that right now. Just liked Ellie Oh's on fb. I believe it is spring fever
ReplyDeleteLove the cute as a button newsboy cap!
ReplyDeleteLove the floppy gray one with the white flower. Also love the boy ones!
ReplyDeleteI "liked" Ellie Oh's on facebook.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest is a girl and I love, love the girl hats but I have 3 boys and would also love a newsboy hat. I'm not sure I could pick just one!!
ReplyDeletewith 3 little men around here, i think the cute as a button newsboy would be our choice.
ReplyDeletelove the breezy beanie! so cute!
ReplyDeleteJust "liked" Ellie Oh's on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI love love love the chocolate covered cherry. I just like them all!
ReplyDeleteFacebooked it .
ReplyDeleteHit her like on her site.
ReplyDeleteI *love* these caps~all of them! But if I were to choose one now, I'd take the breezy beanie for a 6-12 month old. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
ReplyDelete*liked* on FB.
ReplyDeleteI like the breezy cloche... SO cute! I'd save it for the little girl that I HOPE to have someday!
ReplyDeleteLiked EllieOh's on FB!
ReplyDeleteFacebooked about the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteCute hats!
ReplyDeleteI want the newsboy style for my 18 mo. old.
I "liked" EllieOh's on fb.
ReplyDeleteI have a set of 5 week old twin boys and they each "need" a hat, plus I will need one for my 4 year old boy, and while I'm at it, I might as well get one for my 7 year old daughter and myself too! Wow, that's a lot of hats, so winning one would be great. I love the grey newsboy hats. I think I'm going to get one light grey and one dark grey for the twins, maybe a brown for my 4 year old, and grey with purple flower for us girls!
ReplyDeleteI like the swirled scalloped beanie. They are all so adorable!
ReplyDeleteI wrote about this giveaway on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI "liked" Ellie Oh's on facebook.
ReplyDeleteLove the textured beanie with flower in the fall colors.
I love the Breezy Cloche hat soo cute!! I liked it on facebook.
ReplyDeleteI love the breezy cloche hat! My daughter actually picked it out and looooved the flower on it :) Thanks for a fun giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI think I would need to get myself a cap. What do you think? Would it work for me?
ReplyDeletethe breezy cloche for my daughter. simply darling.
ReplyDeleteWilma K
I liked her on FB
ReplyDeleteand linked to this on FB Wilma K (oh, and the above anonymous was me ;)
ReplyDeleteOoooh my 6 year old would love one of the cloche hats! Gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteWould love the "newsboy" in chocolate brown!! Really love the hats!!
ReplyDeletePosted to my profile on fb
ReplyDeleteLiked her fb site!
ReplyDeleteI would like the swirled scalloped beanie in wheat for my baby due in 4 weeks! Love them all! Anne L
ReplyDeleteأساليب التخلص من الذباب :-
ReplyDeleteحشرات مزعجة، تتم لك الملل وهي تدوي حولك بصوتها المزعج، وتلوح بيدك لطردها مرات عديدة، الا ان ذاكرتها الضعيفة تجعلها ترجع لنفس الموضع الذي طردت منه، واذا فتحت شبابيك وابواب منزلك في ايام الصيف الحارة، فانها تستغل الاحتمالية وتدخل الى البيت، طمعا في ان تجد مكانا ابرد من الخارج، الا انها تزعج الجالسين بتطفلها على الغذاء والشراب والاشخاص انفسهم، وللتخلص من الذباب بأساليب طبيعية نذكر لكم بعضها :-
- دعايات -
احضر ليمونه واقطعها نصفين، وبعد هذا اغرزي في تلك الليمونه بعضا من مسامير القرنفل، ونقوم بوضعها في المطبخ، او في موضع تواجد الذباب، فانها تغادر الموضع لكرهها لرائحة الليمون والقرنفل .
وضع بعض النباتات العطرية في المطبخ والصالة، فلهذه النباتات التمكن من طرد الذباب، ومن اشهر تلك النباتات الريحان والنعناع .
نصب مصيدة للذباب، وهي عبارة عن ملىء قدَح بالماء مع اليسير من الخل وبعضا من سائل الواضح،ووضعه في اماكن وجود الذباب، فالذباب سوف يقترب منه ويدخل الى القدَح، ومن ثم يسقط داخلا، ويفضل تحديث تلك المصيدة كل 48 ساعةٍ مرة، للتخلص من الذباب .
استعمال اللبان او المسك الحر، وهذا بتدخينه في البيت، الأمر الذي يسبب الازعاج للذباب، من تلك الرائحة، وطرده خارج البيت، اما اذا اشعلت تلك المواد مع عدم فتح الابواب والشبابيك لطرده خارجا، تَستطيع استعمال مصيدة الذباب في نفس وقت اشعال اللبان او المسك . شركة مكافحة حشرات بحائل شركة رش دفان بالرياض
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