Monday, July 1, 2013

It's the Little Things

Pet birds. Oh, how these little black birds caused a stir with the kids. The birds fell out of their nest from a tree in the back yard and couldn't fly yet, so the kids mothered them. They dug for worms and fed them all day long. I think it'll be the highlight of Avery's summer.

Playing outside. Yay for summertime and sunshine and being able to send the kiddos out to play!

Fun new housey stuff. I haven't had time to do much shopping recently, but last weekend I went to HomeGoods with my sister and picked up a few things.

New sheets and a pillow for Jack's bed. He gets excited about the littlest things and was over the moon.


I also picked up this clock at HomeGoods. Isn't it perfect?

Thrifty treasures. I found this floor lamp at Goodwill and literally could not stop smiling when I put it in my cart. I've been looking for one just like it for ages and finally found one! Um, yeah, it's the little things.

Sneak Peeks. I've been working really hard in the past few weeks designing a lot of new things that will be in the shop soon. So fun. But also the reason I haven't been blogging much.

I hope you are enjoying the little things in your life this summer!

Happy Monday!


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  2. Love that lamp too!! I always love your signs. Are they made out of actual gates or do you build them to look that way? They re always gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comment! My signs are made from old barn wood.

  3. It IS the little things. :) I get crazy excited over the small things too! And that lamp is fabulous!! I've been looking for a similar one and just can't pay the price at Pottery Barn and other places. But neither have I lucked up at Goodwill like you just did! :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. I love the colors you used on that last blue sign! Do you know the name of the color? What technique did you use to blend it with other colors?

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